Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Arrived safely in Dubai. The trip over was very good. I think I ate my way across the Indian Ocean. Watched three movies on the way over and read two newspapers. The hotel is lovely. After I arrived I caught the bus downtown to their big shopping centre called City Centre. It's way bigger than either the Galleria at Morley or Chadstone in Vic. I was surprised how western it was though... you could have just as easily been in Australia.

Dubai itself is a strange mixture. It is very Arabic in both architechture and culture, and there are many Arabs walking around in their flowing white robes, and the corresponding women covered from top to toe with black. But, conversely, there are also many Western style shops and people. It's a strange mix!

The pollution is very obvious too. As we descended through the fluffy white clouds, we became immersed in the murky brown haze. The weather is hot here - 36 today - but in summer it averages around 45.

That's it for today. Had a very early start this morning, so will be glad to hit the hay. Wish I could say something in Arabic to sign off but I don't know any.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

First tour - Highlights of Eastern Europe

My first tour begins in Vienna. Here is a map that outlines that tour. Click on the map to make it bigger!

My next tour is around Ireland. Here is a map of this tour

And my third tour is of France. Yet another map....

Bon Voyage!!!