Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Home safely....

Ok, this is it! Just to let you all know that I arrived home safely in the wee small hours of this morning (Wednesday).

My body has no idea of where or when it is, but luckily I can just go gently and ease back into things.

My house is all good, in fact I had arranged to have my carpets cleaned while I was away, and it looks lovely for now - until the unpacking started. Pity it's raining here, because that will delay my 75 loads of washing!! Mind you, I came in and kissed my washing machine first thing. It's funny how the worm turns... usually I despise washing - it's only when you see the alternative that you really appreciate what you have at your disposal.

So my good friends and family, thanks for coming along for the ride. I've really enjoyed having an audience to write for. It certainly gave me the purpose and the discipline to keep going each day. I have loved your emails back and the witty comments that people have made. How lucky am I to have had, first of all, this magnificent journey, and how much luckier am I to have had such good friends to share it with....

So, au revoir, until we meet up shortly for all those coffees that lie in wait for me as I bore people senseless, describing the ongoing sagas of the toilets and the language and all the other dramas and adventures that unfolded over the last 7 weeks or so. But I can just whip out my blog, and there is the record for all to see.

It will be lovely to see you all in the flesh again soon. :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home you intrepid traveller! I note Perth weather has been especially considerate of your washing needs since you have been back!I really loved catching up with you and your travels via your blog. I hope your body clock has done some catching up and you are settling back in to our time zone. Really looking forward to seeing you in person again soon.

    Take care
