Monday, October 19, 2009

Dublin Day 2

You know there are many traps for the unwary traveller.... even a simple thing like going to Mass..

The day started with Mass at St Mary's in Haddington St. Normally we just go along and blob out a bit and more or less do it by instinct. But when you're in a strange place to have to work out what the "natives" do. Each country is slightly different... Do you shake hands at the sign of peace..?? Do you stand, sit, kneel at the same time...??? Are the responses the same....?? You really have to be one your toes... When I walked in and saw the hymn sheet I thought -Yep, songs I can do, it's all good. Stuff like On eagle's wings and Sing a new song - standard stuff. But when Mass began, out walked this choir all done up in the black soutanes and white surplices, and sang the most beautiful 4 part harmony songs all in Latin. The acoustics in that Church were just magnificent, and it was just lovely to hear such wonderful singing.

St Mary's Haddington St

But the surprises didn't stop there... at the end of Mass, someone walked up to me and said "Hello Moira"... it was Agnes Gleeson - a Sister of Mercy from Melbourne. Couldn't believe that on the other side of the world, you would meet up with someone like that. She was staying at Baggot St, so I was trying to angle to get that comfortable cup of tea, but they don't do that on weekend!!!. I ended up shouting Agnes a cuppa instead!!

Inside St Mary's
Next thing was to go into town. I worked out the bus ok and got off at Grafton St - one of the main shopping streets in Dublin. It was Sunday of course, so not everything was open but you could get a good feel of it. There are lots of souvenir shops, and I was nearly tempted a few times, but I figure I should wait until later on the tour to see what else is available.

Grafton St

Then I went into town and just cruised up and down O'Connell St.

River Liffy and Halfpenny Bridge in background

Statue of Molly Malone - the tart with the cart!

Then came the highlight of the day... the trip to the Guinness factory. Mind you, I'm not a great lover of the Black Stuff. I've really tried hard to get into it, but I have to admit I would prefer a beer anyday. it was interesting enought to see how it's all made etc.. The original Mr Guinness certainly had his business head screwed on right, because he made and agreement with the Govt to get a 9000 year lease at 45 pounds a year... and also got a free supply of water from the Wicklow mountains. I forget how much water they used each day, but it was lots!!! All for free.

We got to pull a pint or sample a pint, so I chose the sample option! There was a beautiful view from the bar at the top. 360 degrees views of Dublin!

View from Guinness Factory

We're off again tomorrow. Met the new tour members tonight. Again a mixture of Aussies, Canadians, Kiwis and Yanks. Our tour leader's name is Bernard Creegan and he's very "Oirish".

And again, you wouldn't believe it. I saw this girl, and she saw me and we both said "I know you"... It turns out she is a teacher at St Luke's Woodvale in Perth and she was in one of my classes when I was in the CEO. She is travelling with her twin sister who works for St Vinnies. Truly amazing!!!

So, back into routine tomorrow. Bags out 7.30am and on the road by 8.30 am. Here we go again....


  1. Hi there! Sounds like Ireland is off to a great start. The world truly is an amazingly small place isn't it? The choir would have been beautiful to hear. Back here, we've gone from high summer on Saturday to heaps cooler and overcast today!! Just when I thought it safe to put away the uggies!! Ha ha:) Look forward to next post. Have fun! xx

  2. Sounds Like you are having a great time, I have just been catching up on where you have been. Try having half a pint of guiness with black berry juice sounds yuk but is very nice they put it in as they pour it. Thats how Leo's Irish cousins got me to drink it!! I think it is called black magic!!Have fun
