Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dublin - Wicklow and Bray

Nice easy day today... sleep-in and washing done.

I picked up the hirecar this morning, and made sure I found out how to reverse and how to open the petrol cap. Both of these have been problematic for me before. In fact last time I was in Ireland, the hirecar had been backed in so I just drove it straight out. I stopped in Ennis to have lunch and nosed into a car park - as you do. Until I tried to reverse out.... No matter what I tried I couldn't get the car into reverse. In desperation I eventually bailed up this man walking past with a family (turned out he was from Denmark!) but he knew the trick.. you actually had to pull the gear stick up towards the roof then move it into reverse... What a drama...

After I picked up the car, I used my new found skills with the GPS to get to Mary and Nicky's place in Crumlin. Except for one little detail.... When you set the GPS you make a setting called "Home" and their son set it all up for me the other night, and put their address into the Favourites and called it "Home". However, this was not the "home" that was found by clicking on the "home" option. So I thought I was very smart with my little GPS, but actually ended up in whoopity-whoops. But I was cunning and loaded up the correct address and eventually ended up in Crumlin.

Seeing I had the car, and the washing was in hand (12 Euros this time, but money extremely well spent to get your washing done for you!), I decided to really give my GPS a workout by going down the coast to Wicklow. The GPS was great, except sometimes we got a little confused between us. But it all worked beautifully and I ended up safely in Wicklow.

Wicklow Beach

Wicklow golf course (for all you golf addicts out there!)

By now I was feeling a little smug having more or less mastered the GPS. I wanted to go back via the coast road. But I was devotedly following the instructions and ended up on the ring road. So I looked at the map and decided to go my own way. That really tricked it. It kept telling me to do things that I blissfully ignored.... Then I started talking to it... How bad is that.... Do you think it knew I was ignoring it...???? hehehe :) Anyway, it will be a boon when I take off tomorrow for the country.

Anyway, I found my way to Bray by the coast road, and had a lovely cup of coffee sitting outside near the water. It's another beautiful weather day. I've been so lucky with my weather... Bray is a bit like St Kilda with the amusement park by the seaside. As it was midweek and the season is over, it was all quiet, but it was a lovely place.

This evening I went up to the local for my pint of Smithwicks.... have to keep up the traditions whilst in Ireland. This was a big event for Mary because she is a life-long Pioneer (given up the drink!) So I'm corrupting the Irish, and leading them to drink!

Off to County Clare tomorrow to the home of my forefathers... I've enjoyed the break today and the change of pace. Now I'm ready for action again!


  1. I'm thinking you'd better not tell Mary how to support the Missions by buying wine or she will be a total lost cause! I had to have a chuckle about you talking to your GPS - Tom Tom and I have regular arguments when I want to do my own navigating and he (she, depending on the voice of the day) wants me to go back, round, Uturn or whatever. I eventually win by pulling the plug out - I must admit I do feel guilty sometimes and have to hide the offended black screen in the glovebox. Isn't Ireland the most beautiful country?

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one that talks to the GPS! We are weird creatures, aren't we...????

    Moira :)
